I never realized how much preparation is involved in going abroad. I have traveled many times abroad but I either didn't stay in the country that long or I didn't need a Visa or vaccinations to get into.
Today, I spent part of the day researching what vaccinations I will need to spend 7 weeks in Tanzania, and yea, its a lot! 10 to be exact: Hep A and Hep B, Malaria, Meningococcal, Rabies, Typhoid, Tetanus, Polio, Measles and Yellow Fever. Ummmm, wow! It's a good thing that I am not too scared of needles.
I will be living in Arusha, Tanzania at the foot of Mt. Meru. An interesting little fact I learned about Arusha today: Arusha's clock tower is supposedly the midpoint between Cairo and Cape Town, representing the halfway point between the two termini of the old British Empire in Africa. The clock tower is now adorned with the Coca Cola symbol. Way to go capitalism and globalization!
I have a feeling that this experience is going to be the biggest culture shock that I have ever had. I was reading about some of the customs of the Maasai people and some of them are so completely different than anything I have ever experienced. Now don't get me wrong I love learning about new cultures and I value all of the customs that new cultures have to offer but for some reason I am so nervous to be out of my comfort zone for so long and potentially by myself. I have never really thought of myself as dependent on what I know, what I understand but the idea of being by myself, in a country where I don't speak the language and don't understand the customs is a little overwhelming. But, I can do it. I know I can. This is going to be an incredible growing experience for me, I am sure of it.
Remember, Namaste.